Photo 52 Project. Week 3 – Aged

Attention: This content is 14 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

Another frigid central Illinois winter day, but what else can one do besides wait for summer?  Well… I guess I could go out shooting, so that is what I did.

I was actually pointed to this week’s location by my Fiancée who knew of this old silo.  It’s actually off a main road, but not one most people have probably driven down.

This really peaked my fascination as I am extremely interested in run down, old, abandoned buildings and locations.  I hope to take more pictures of other abandoned or old places in the coming year!  I liked this photo because of the contrast between the brown weeds and the cold surrounding with the abandoned silo.   Mother nature reclaiming what is her’s.
