Photo 52 Project. Week 2 – Flight

Attention: This content is 14 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

Whew, it was a COLD day!  It was about 10 degrees outside this morning, so I bundled up and headed over to Lake Sangchris.  I didn’t have an exact place or photo in mind, so I figured I would drive around until I found something that interested me.  I eventually pulled in to one of the little camp areas and wandered off the beaten path.  From behind a group of trees there was an almost deafening sound of geese, so I made my way to where they were.  There had to have been a least 1,000 or more birds over there!  It was crazy!  I clicked off shots with my 70-300mm telephoto lens in sports mode until I couldn’t feel my fingers any more.   I learned to always be ready, especially shooting wildlife because you never know what they’re going to do, or when they will get spooked and take off!  Luckily I got a really cool shot that also happens to have some nice “rule of thirds” applied to it as well 🙂
