Archives October 2011

Photo Project 52. Week 43 – Grayie

Attention: This content is 13 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

I decided to make this week an easy week, but also take a photo that had a story to it that I could share with you, and what better than one of our cats we rescued?  This big guy was one of our free cats we have taken in.  My wife has a soft spot for cats, which has sort of rubbed off on me.  Several years ago in the wee hours of the morning, my then girlfriend woke me up around 4am and put this skinny bag of bones gray kitty on the bed with me and told me to watch him, she had one more to get.  Since I was still waking up, I thought she was just messing with me.  We have another gray cat and that’s who I thought this was.  After I got my wits about me I could see this one was obviously not our’s.  The story goes she had been hearing a kitty crying outside all night.  She finally decided to go find it, and it was stuck up a tree.  Except it wasn’t the one she brought me, but instead a black kitty.  While she was trying to get the black kitty out of the tree, this gray one ran up to her as well.  So, she brought him in, and got the black one out of the tree as well.  We figured they were brothers since they appeared to be the same age, and they seemed to be hanging out together outside.  I told her we could call them Blackie and Grayie for the week or two it took to find them new homes.  I figured calling them by their color would not allow us to get too attached to them.

I was wrong.

All that being said though, these two kitties ended up being two of the best cats we own.  They’re both very good cats and have two very distinct personalities.  Grayie seems to have the attitude of pretending to not like you, but he’s the one that demands the most love in the house.  He’s always hanging around you and wanting to jump in your lap.

Just today I was working on my computer and I turned around, and there he was laying in the chair behind me, just looking up at me with those giant innocent eyes of his.


Photo Project 52. Week 42 – Bride

Attention: This content is 13 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

Another busy week for us and another wedding to go to.  This makes our fourth wedding this year, not counting our own!  I was trying to get a shot like this and it ended up coming out pretty good.  I shot in shutter priority and set it for 1/200th.

Congratulations Emmy and Jake!


Photo Project 52. Week 41 – Best Friends

Attention: This content is 13 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

Saturday I went to Taylorville’s Chilifest which is held on the town square.  I was there plenty early and caught their cheerleader and dance shows, and I took around 300 pictures.  After that was over I went and sampled some of the chili around the square.  While tasting the little cups of deliciousness, I saw a man sharing his cup with his friend who waited patiently for it.  A spur of the moment snap I took and it ended up being my favorite one of the whole day!

“Best Friends”

Photo Project 52. Week 40 – Autumn

Attention: This content is 13 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

Wow, only 12 photos left until my project is complete.  I can’t believe it, this year has just flown by.  I had a busy week this week as my main computer which I do all of my photo editing died last Sunday (luckily I had last week’s photo already scheduled to post).  So I spent a lot of time this week building and setting up my new machine.  This didn’t leave much time for me to get out and shoot, but I did manage to get some time in today.  This is my favorite time of year.  I have always loved fall, with all of the leaves changing colors and the great weather we finally get in central Illinois.  I decided to try and capture some of nature’s beauty of the season.  I will also probably try and squeeze in more fall pictures while the season lasts, but we’ll see what happens.


Photo Project 52. Week 39 – Oasis

Attention: This content is 13 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

There were so many pictures from Las Vegas to choose from it was once again difficult to pick just one (however the you can find the rest over in my Picasa web albums).  This one was a fun one to shoot.  Bellagio’s fountain goes off periodically and put on a great water and light show.  There is just something about watching a water show in the middle of the desert that is pleasantly ironic.  Lugging my tripod wasn’t too bad since it came with a nice carry case and it is pretty light, so snagging a long-exposure of the water show was pretty easy.  This particular shot was exposed for 1 second with an aperture of f/5.6
