Archives September 2011

Photo Project 52. Week 38 – Hoover Dam

Attention: This content is 13 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

Constructed from 1931 through 1936 during the Great Depression, Hoover Dam is primarily a method of water reclamation, to supply water to California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming.  It is built in Boulder Canon, on the Nevada and Arizona border.  The Dam’s hydroelectric turbines, generating 4.2 billion killowatt hours of electricity a year for Nevada, Arizona, and California, is a bonus to the Dam’s main purpose of water reclamation.

My wife and I were fortunate enough to be able to come to Las Vegas, and there was absolutely no way I was going to miss out on one of the great engineering accomplishments in the world while I was here.  It is simply amazing.

The photo is a panoramic photo, stitched together from three separate images.

“Hoover Dam”

Photo Project 52. Week 37 – American Love

Attention: This content is 13 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

I didn’t have a lot of free time this week to get out and go shooting due to some personal matters I had to attend to, but never the less I got out and shot some photos around the lake today.  After getting back home and looking through everything I just hated everything I shot.  I didn’t like a darn one.  As I sat at my desk pondering what to do when something caught my eye.  The glass container I throw my change in every day.  Something so simple, but also symbolic in a strange way I had never even considered before.  I dug out my light box and lights and started shooting.  I ended up with a photo I actually like quite a lot, a pleasant turn-around from where I was earlier.

“American Love”

Photo Project 52. Week 36 – Saleen

Attention: This content is 13 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

This photo is from Labor Day this week.  The car is a 1989 Saleen Mustang, #503, meticulously restored over the last year by my wife’s uncle.  He put a lot of effort in to restoring this beautiful car to its former glory, down to every last detail.  He took it to a local car show on Labor Day and won first place in his category.  I’ve always had a thing for the Fox Body style Mustang, and this one has easily become one of my favorites.


Photo Project 52. Week 35 – War

Attention: This content is 13 years old. Please keep its age in mind while reading as its contents may now be outdated or inaccurate.

What is better than the weekend?  How about a holiday weekend!  It is September already and Labor Day weekend is upon us.  I had the opportunity to head out to the Kincaid Labor Day weekend fair.  Kincaid is a small town (population is less than 2,000), but it seems the small towns know how to have the most fun.  That was definitely the case with their Labor Day fair.  While they have many events going on over the whole weekend, including bands and a car show, I decided to go to their tug-of-war competition today (and might go out to the car show tomorrow).  My Uncle-in-law was in it, so that was a good enough excuse for me to head out and shoot some photos.  I shot over 300 photos over the course of about three hours.  With so many shots to go through it was tough to narrow it down to just one.  I ended up going with this one because of the action it captured.  From the dirt kicking up on the ground to the struggle in their faces.  I also spent some time manually selecting out the team and adjusting the background’s levels a bit to make them pop out of their surroundings.  I like how it turned out a lot!
